Important Information for all Members & Guests
A full set of the Rules of the Warkworth and Districts RSA is available for viewing on the club room noticeboard. While members are welcome to study them in detail, they are requested not to remove the noticeboard copy from the premises.
An acceptable standard of behaviour within the club rooms is essential at all times. As stated in our aims, members are expected to show and foster respect to all.
The general dress code within the club rooms is smart casual. Dress must be clean and tidy and no hats are to be worn.
Head coverings that are worn for recognised cultural or medical reasons are excepted and the member is requested to register that requirement with their membership application.
In addition, where a particular theme may be attached to a specific club activity, the association executive may vary the dress code accordingly.
While guests of members are welcome in the club rooms, the host member is responsible for ensuring that their guests conform to the same standards of behaviour and dress as stated above.
In addition, the host member is to ensure that the relevant RSA protocols and club conventions are observed and that the guest is registered in the visitors’ book.
Children are welcome in the club rooms but must be supervised by their guardian at all times while on the premises.
For safety, they must wear footwear at all times and must not enter the bar or gaming room.
Children may only use the pool tables or dart boards under the direct supervision of their guardian.
Smoking or vaping is not permitted in any indoor area of the club rooms.
Smoking or vaping is only permitted on the designated outdoor balcony adjacent to the games room.
The personal data provided to the Warkworth RSA is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
The Warkworth RSA uses the data to support the promotion and administration of the affairs of the association. In particular, the information provided when applying for membership is used for communication to the members on all association and sponsor activities.
If any member does not wish their data to be used for such purposes, they should select ‘Not Accept’ in the relevant section of the membership application form. In the absence of either selection, the member will be deemed to consent to the association using their data for the purposes stated above.
The RSA is a not-for-profit organisation. All monies gathered from its various business and fund-raising activities are targeted fully at coordinating support services to our Veterans and their Families, Returned Service Persons, Current Service Persons and Members.
We seek to promote the general wellbeing of our members and to foster civic values within our association and the wider community.
Our Local Support Advisor is available to provide veterans with guidance and mentoring to promote their general health and wellbeing.
Further assistance may also be sought from the District Support Manager who maintains veteran’s affairs oversight of the Northern Districts group.
The association is governed by an executive committee which is elected on an annual basis by the association membership. The executive committee consists of the following roles:
Vice President (x 2)
Committee Members (x 7)
In addition, the day-to-day management of the association is undertaken by a full time Secretary / Manager with the assistance of permanent staff and sub-contractors to ensure the smooth running of all association facilities and activities.
Whilst the day-to-day operations of the Warkworth RSA are managed by the Secretary / Manager, who reports to the Committee via the President, policy guidance and advice are developed and promulgated by the national office of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association (RNZRSA) which is headquartered in Wellington. The Northern Districts group of the RNZRSA consists of all the individual associations from Warkworth north. Liaison with these associations at both business and social levels is a common theme of our operations as is that with our nearest group neighbour, the Auckland District RSA
Geoff Copestake
Chris Jackson
Ross Keith
Joss Meyers
Mitch Norris
David Ollason
Eddie Watts
Jack Milham
Gareth McNaughten
Jim Brown
Chrissy Keith
09 425 8568
Monday 12.30pm - 8.00pm
Tuesday 12.30pm - 8.00pm
Wednesday 11.00am - 9.00pm
Thursday 11.00am - 10.30pm
Friday 11.00am - 11.30pm
Saturday 11.00am - 10.00pm
Sunday 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Closing times may vary at discretion of the Duty Manager at the time.