Commences 6.00am at Church Hill (opposite Fire Station)
Completion 7.45am with march to RSA
Breakfast will be available for all Members and Visitors
@ $15 per head.
It is complimentary for all uniformed personnel.
Transport will be provided from the RSA premises to Church Hill and return for the elderly and disabled.
Commences 10.30am at Church Hill
Completion approx. 11.15am
Morning Tea is available in Gunners Restaurant for a gold coin donation after the service
Sausage Sizzle hosted by Lions Club in the carpark for $2.50 ea with free orange juice.
From 12 noon to 2.00pm we have live entertainment at the RSA by the Sisters of Swing and their supporting Band. This is a Tribute Band to the Andrews Sisters and they do a fantastic rendition of those classics so come along for the live and free entertainment.
Covered seating for those in need will be provided at the service.
Overflow car parking is available in the Woolworths covered carpark which they have let us use for our Anzac Services.
A section of Neville Street in front of the RSA will be closed to traffic for the duration of the services.
Many people have given freely of their time to help commemorate this occasion and we would like to thank them all for their generous support.
In particular our appreciation goes to;
Matakana Cinema
Pete & Marys
Warkworth Toyota
Lion Breweries
Utterly Marquee - Red Carpet Suppliers
Last year we had a record Poppy Day collection which was over $18,000.
It looks as we will set another record this year.
Thank you everyone. T
his is a huge amount which goes into the Poppy Trust and is spent locally to support Veterans and their families in need.
Wearing relatives' medals on Anzac Day - How to
March 26, 2018
With Anzac Day rapidly approaching, many people remember deceased relatives by wearing their medals.
Here is some information from NZDFs medals and personnel team about the correct way to wear them.
The rules governing medal wearing in New Zealand, known as the Order of Wear, specifically allows family members to wear medals of deceased ex-service personnel on the right side of the chest for national days of memorial. This includes Anzac Day (25 April) and Armistice Day (11 November), as well as other military events where the host has added the note – “medals may be worn”. This includes reunions, formal dinners, funerals of veterans, and the like.
Conventions for wearing a relatives' medals include:
Civilian members of the public should only wear one set of medals. The medals should be those of a direct relative, for example, should have belonged to a brother or sister, dad or mum, grandfather or grandmother. In all cases these are worn on the right chest.
If there are more than one set of relatives medals held by the family, pass on medal sets for other family members to wear – this spreads the memory of that relative amongst the family. There are no rules that say only the eldest male descendent can wear these medals – the family can decide on any family member to be the medals wearer on the day.
Multiple copy medal sets can be worn by the family on Anzac Day - this is common with miniature medals so all children of a deceased veteran can wear his or her medals in their memory.
Only service medals and decorations mounted on a medal bar (full-size or miniature) can be worn by a relative. It is acceptable to wear a family member’s miniature medals mounted on a medal bar if preferred. This is a good option for young children.
Royal Honours insignia such as neck badges, sashes, sash badges, or breast stars cannot be worn by anyone other than the original recipient. The same rule applies to any Unit and Personal Commendations that the deceased wore on their right chest.
For more information about medals please go to http://medals.nzdf.mil.nz/