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Come along on a Wednesday from 12noon.

Cues available.

$5.00 per week covers lights and prizes.


Contact: Alan Torkington 09 422 6338 or RSA on 09 425 8568 xtn 1

WWRSA Snooker Club – December 2023 

The WWRSA Snooker Club has continued its weekly club day every Wednesday and has even managed to fit some snooker in between the sorting of world affairs, the telling of tall tales and inevitable banter that always comes out when friends meet.

The club day competitions have continued throughout the year and have seen many a skilled shot, many more flukey ones and several that were just outlandish, the latter being claimed by their owners as part of some grand tactical plan. This claim is often debunked by the next shot being utterly abysmal as the player shows their true colours!

For the uninitiated, the snooker club meets every Wednesday from 12.00pm to 4.00pm with each player getting four games through the afternoon. A small fee on each club day covers our costs (power) and provides for a small prize pool for those players who gain the most wins on the day. We are in the process of reviewing our handicap system to ensure it remains relevant and that players of varying abilities have a fair shot of success as they strive to improve their own play to become more competitive.

We have also regenerated our ladder competition and players are encouraged to challenge their way to the top where a suitable award awaits when the competition wraps up around March 2024. There is also a scoresheet displayed that records the highest break by individual players giving both bragging rights to those listed and the opportunity to bore all those around them with step-by-step replays of their finest moments, the latter usually being relegated to the ‘tall tale’ file mentioned above.

As our attendance varies from week to week with players opting in and out as their lifestyle dictates, we will continue our club days throughout the holiday season. Any new members are welcome to come along and check us out and hopefully join up for the fun of playing, the inevitable banter and the opportunity to settle world affairs once and for all. Happy cueing.

Merry Christmas all,

Newsletter Article WWRSA Snooker Club – June 2023

The WWRSA Snooker Club is a low-key group that meets weekly on Wednesday to play snooker, discuss world affairs and tell tall stories, mostly the latter.

The recent AGM that was held on 23 June included a financial report (healthy), general business (mildly interesting) and election of committee members (blood from a stone!). As snooker is a tactical game where playing it safe can predominate, some railroading and coercion was needed to fill all positions. Even then Ross Ferguson and Frank Bates were driven to continue as Club Captain and Secretary / Treasurer respectively so at least we’ll have a couple that know what they’re doing!

For the uninitiated, the snooker club meets every Wednesday from 12.00pm to 4.00pm with each player getting four games through the afternoon. A small fee on each game day covers our costs (power) and provides for a small prize pool for those players who gain the most wins on the day. All players are allocated a handicap of up to 25 when they first join and it has become almost as much a game of reducing one’s handicap as it is of winning on the table.

Another major element of the afternoon is the banter and ribbing that is a natural accompaniment to the snooker – even the apology for pulling off a flukey shot is seldom believed. While you don’t need your own cue or be a particularly skilled player, you do need a thick skin.

As well as the Wednesday afternoon matches, we have a ladder displayed where players may attempt to climb towards the top spot. These games are played at an agreed time suitable to both players outside Wednesday afternoon. Periodically, top spot player is declared the winner and the ladder is reset with names being drawn randomly from top to bottom.

Cheers all,

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