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Yes I want to help the RSA
We appreciate donations of any size – it all helps our efforts.
Donations over $5 are tax-deductible and will be receipted.
Please fill out the attached form
Secretary / Manager
Warkworth & Districts RSA
28 Neville St
Auckland 0910
Email: manager@warkworthrsa.co.nz
As one of Warkworth’s major charitable bodies, community support is at the heart of all we do. The generous gifts left to us in wills help us to improve the lives of all those who seek our support.
If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will, please contact us at manager@warkworthrsa.co.nz or on 09 425 8568. We are happy to help, including arranging a home visit if required.
If you have already chosen to leave us a gift in your will, we would love the opportunity to thank you for thinking of us, so please get in touch. We treat this information in complete confidence.
How to make a bequest to the Warkworth RSA - Contact us
While you don’t have to ask us to leave a bequest, we can help with the process. We are happy to meet or call you for a confidential, no-obligation chat about how your bequest can make a difference.
We can discuss how your donation will allow us to continue our work through your generosity.
Speak with your lawyer or trust company.
Making a will can help your family deal with a difficult time so we think everybody should make a will.
Speak to your lawyer, the Public Trust or another trust company about making a will, or changing your existing will to include a bequest to the Warkworth RSA as a body you want to support.
Decide whether to tell your family and friends
While you do not have to consult anyone about how you want to arrange your affairs, speaking to your family and friends about your decisions might help them give effect to your philanthropic goals.
It is up to you whether you tell us. We know this is a very private matter, but we would like the opportunity to thank you and talk with you about how your gift might be used.